Here is a summary of the test data loaded on the practice servers:
Dataset Name | Description |
iris |
Measurements of 150 iris flowers from three species (setosa , versicolor , virginica ). Includes sepal_length , sepal_width , petal_length , and petal_width . |
airquality |
Daily air quality measurements in New York (May to September 1973). Includes Ozone , Solar.R , Wind , and Temp . |
ToothGrowth |
Data on the effect of Vitamin C on tooth growth in guinea pigs. Contains supplement type (VC , OJ ) and dose levels. |
PlantGrowth |
Measurements of plant growth under three different treatment conditions, used for ANOVA analysis. |
ChickWeight |
Growth data of chicks over time under different diet regimens. Useful for time series and mixed-effects modeling. |
faithful |
Waiting times and eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone. Often used for clustering and density estimation. |
trees |
Measurements of Girth , Height , and Volume for 31 black cherry trees. Used in regression modeling. |
CO2 |
Carbon dioxide uptake in plants under different conditions (Treatment , Type ). Often used for linear modeling. |
pressure |
Relationship between temperature and pressure in a gas. Useful for nonlinear regression examples. |
titanic_train |
Passenger data from the Titanic disaster, including Pclass , Sex , Age , and Survived for classification tasks. |
california_housing |
California housing market dataset with features such as median_income , total_rooms , and median_house_value . Used for regression. |
diabetes |
Clinical dataset predicting diabetes progression based on factors like Glucose , BMI , Age , and BloodPressure . |