Please suggest invited speakers for this years conference - name and subject area.
- industry talk - Arhidia - Horizon Europe PHEMS project. Federated TREs. I have a couple of suggested speakers from there. They want to build in native compatibility with DataSHIELD.
- Alberto Lebarga PI DATOS-CAT (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre). Good example of how DataSHIELD can be used with other Open Source software (from ELIXIR and OHDSI) for federated data projects#
- David Schiller - federated / sensitive Data expert now located Swiss Institute for Information Science. Has sopken before in the online conference 2021. He organised a workshop for swiss research stakeholders and funders to plan national federated research infrastructures. Both SIB and myself presented at this.
- Amadou Gaye - Integrative Genomics and Epidemiology, former NIH staff scientist, sits on DataSHIELD advisory board. Built many functions in datashield v1.0. Can we give him the DataSHIELD old dinosaur speaker slot? Might share an interest in DataSHIELD in LMICS.
- Trudie Lang - or other member of her team that leads the [Global Health Network] ( They recognise the value that DataSHIELD may have for rare datasets/ LMIC health data infrastructure and research projects.
- industry talk - IQVIA. As yet unpublished, IQVIA have a couple of projects using DataSHIELD. So might be good to hear from them about their federated computing set up there are a couple of different teams we can appraoch.
- Yong Chen the only group developing one-stage analysis in OHDSI package released in CRAN. Reccomended by one of my US OHDSI infrasturture collaborators, I am interested to see if DataSHIELD and OHDSI could work together in the area of one stage function development.
- PI from the Bristol genomics consortia that is currently setting up DataSHIELD.
Panel discussion around the use of DataSHIELD to analyse routinely collected data (where informed consent not explicitly collected), from the perspective of various stakeholders (e.g. laywers, public, researchers, DPOs).
- Daniella Zoller re MIRACUM and DIFFUTRUE?