- Provide a list of nearby hotels.
- Ensure microphones are available.
- Extend conference to 3-4 days.
- Shorten breaks.
- Allocate more discussion time after talks + time for networking
Tuesday, 23rd: Workshops and tutorials (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM), followed by an opening keynote and social event. Action: Room availability (until 6:00 or 6:30 PM) to be confirmed by Etienne.
24th-26th: Full conference days, ending around 3:00 PM on the final day.
- Tim to suggest a program based on available time and decide workshop content (e.g., beginner running in parallel to deployment training).
- Communicate finalized program to Etienne and Manuela.
- Provide trainer names and CVs to Solange for grant request purposes.
Keynote Speakers (x2):
- Opening: Amadou Gaye (strategic choice).
- Closing: Arhidia (industry representative + ask them to sponsor one of their networking event) = TRE provider. Observed increased interest in using Datashield for routine infected data => quite a lot of co legal considerations => idea would be to discuss these during the Panel discussion (see below)
- Action: Becca to contact and ideally get confirmations by early February. => cc Mark, Manuela and Etienne
- As soon as confirmed: send names and Cvs to Solange for grant request purposes
Panel Discussion (up to 4 speakers) :
- Panel discussion around the use of DataSHIELD to analyse routinely collected data (where informed consent not explicitly collected), from the perspective of various stakeholders (e.g. laywers, public, researchers, DPOs).
- Daniella Zoller (Canada).
- Alexander Bernier (legal researcher with expertise in federated analysis, USA)
- UK (Daniela ?) I did not get the name from the PPI lead you would invite (and who has finding to come)
- Identify a EU person/PI to do a science based application talk: Sylvan ? or Martina
- Action: Angela to approach individuals for panels
Note: there are no Swiss based speaker as we unfortunately do not have a big network of people using datashield => ACTION (Mark /Etienne): think of Themes /Sub headings for the call for abstracts that could encourage local participation. Example: convene a discussion topic around use of larger and more complex data sets (this would be included in the call for abstracts)
27 February, 10:00 - 11:00 AM (UK) and 11:00 – 12:00 (CET)
- Objective: Review the webpage and discuss next steps regarding the call for abstracts, particularly deciding themes.
Christina Fricke:
- Provide screenshots of the registration form
- Budget example to help us finalize hours
- Get back to Etienne regarding remaining funding
Becca and Angela:
- Share examples of previous editions’ calls for abstracts.
- Approach keynote and panel speakers