Congratulations, you have built a DataSHIELD package. To share it efficiently, you now need to create a Github release. A 'release' is a snapshot of your package at a specific time, usually made when the package is ready to be used or when it is updated.
Semantic versioning is a widely used convention for numbering software. Briefly:
These changes are indicated with the change of the version number. For example, if the initial version number is 1.0.0, a patch update would move the version number to 1.0.1, a minor update would change it to 1.1.0, and a major update would change it to 2.0.0.
We highly encourage using semantic versioning with DataSHIELD packages, as it clearly communicates to users what has changed. We also recommend avoid making breaking changes where possible. To use a DataSHIELD package, the server-side version needs to be installed by the data owner. If you are working on a project with many data owners, updating all servers can be time-consuming.
For the first release of this example package, we will set the version number to 1.0.0. This is done by editing the DESCRIPTION file:
Version: 1.0.0
If you are using Github pages, after making changes to the documentation re-run
Build the package:
Now commit and push your changes to you repository. Repeat for the client-side package.
Next, navigate to the home page of your repository.