Microsoft Teams:
Stuart's document: disclosure issues
Tom's document: quality assurance process
Accessory documents
Good to have a framework, but not yet addressing a real need coming from the community. Could just store it until it comes up?
Becca is busy engaging the NHS. They are likely to have a lot of software governance processes that we'll need to consider.
Lots of people that Stuart/others doesn't know who are developing packages but we have no idea about their quality etc.
On the webpage that describes packages, tried to avoid saying that they're fit for purpose.
DECISION: to park for the time being and then pick up again after the conference as there will be the advanced users workshop so will be of more relevance to more people .
Certification of software: Florian was contacted by someone working as a DPO in one of the 16 German states, might be willing to help when it comes down to these kinds of processes. Potentially could have a Code of Conduct for Developers / Code of Conduct for Software Development instead.
Disclosure issues
These are ready to be approved.
They will be sent out 2 weeks before conference for VMs not present to express their opinion.
Request for input to