The performance checking support for DataSHIELD packages is provided as part of the testthat test suit. The performance test files are prefixed by “test-perf-” and are in the “tests/testthat” directory.
These performance tests permit checking the performance against a performance profile in a CSV file in the “tests/testthat/perf_files”.
In the directory “tests/testthat/perffiles” link the “default_perf_profile.csv” to the desired profile to check. This can be done, on Unix, by using the commands:
$ rm -f default_perf_profile.csv
$ ln -s <path to desired pref profile file> default_perf_profile.csv
Then within R command line integrator:
To create a new profile. Empty the “default_perf_profile.csv” (described above) to contain only the head row: "refer_name","rate","lower_tolerance","upper_tolerance". Then execute the performance test suit within R command line integrator:
When the tests are completed the “default_perf_profile.csv” will contain the results of that performance evaluation test run.