Think that every month is too frequent, every three months probably a bit too far apart... Agreed to meet every 2 months.
Next meeting:
Things to cover:
Nothing to talk about now - was dealt with in SC meeting
Statistical theme's idea - related to tidyverse
each package has a hexagonal image that is associated with that package. Would like to adopt this within the statistical theme so any new relevant package has a unique image associated with it and assures new people that packages work well together. Hence, needed for dsBase, also very well used packages like Juan's machine-learning....
It's a bit like a seal of approval.
Do we want to think about disclosure controls, statistical checks, etc - term "seal of approval" is not a good one to use as implies every package has been certified for every version....
Could have a small working group.
Roy will bring it up in the Statistical Theme meeting tomorrow.
Tarik Karramass at Erasumus is going to help as well.
Florian's proposing having a map showing all the institutions involved in DataSHIELD.
Tim was comparing our website with the Vantage6 website.
ACTION: Becca to create logins for Tim, Andrei, Tom Bishop, Stuart
Need to ensure that the site is structured/maintained properly. This will be coordinated by Website Working Group - which will be the people mentioned above (plus others with write access to the website). Small changes can be done by consent of the group, bigger changes should be brought to the Communications Theme for wider discussion if they are thought to be at all controversial.
Discussion about proposed new front page layout (demonstration from Tim).
Suggested that the wiki should just be updated. Need better integration with website. All agreed this was helpful. Website group (above) would take this all into consideration and if needed discussion about integration between the wiki and the website can be coordinated by the Communications Theme.
Issues with how to prepare the posts - e.g. guideline of what should be included, which tags should be used etc so that it gets flagged and included in the DataSHIELD feed.
Agreed time to winter holidays is too short to get something together now.
Decided to post short winter holidays message - including saying look out for newsletter in new year.
Plan to create a newsletter for end of January. This will include review of last year (e.g. couple of lines about each new package) and ideas/ambitions/goals for the coming year (e.g. use of hexstickers, creation of quality assessment process, etc) - nb, these don't all have to be realised!
Angela volunteered to coordinate submissions.
Core Group updated that this was being discussed/thought about within the Governance Theme. Tim raised the point of how it might work in relation to consortia etc. Andrei responded an ideal might be that it could be a partner.