Have rights been assigned?
How to prepare the posts - e.g. guideline of what should be included, which tags should be used etc so that it gets flagged and included in the DataSHIELD feed.
Non profit status
Any update on how this is progressing?
Suggested speaker for panel discussion at conference (research perspective)
Tim Cadman, Andrei Morgan, Paula Irving, Angela Pinot de Moira, Stuart Wheater
Apologies: Becca Wilson
Tim has updated the front page (and then Andrei edited it).
Plan was to have the "Gettign started" section near the top. This was moved as there was nothing there yet.... these are starting to get done now: the first one is the "Researcher journey" and Tim will add the link back in.
Tim will add in some structure/headings to each of the pages so that people know what to put where. E.g. Tim will reach out to Dick to contribute for Armadillo, and to Yannick to contribute about Obiba software (Opal).
Costs: these are hard to put down as they change and are situation specific, but should have a place on the wiki that signposts
Angela needs login for wordpress. She will come to the wordpress training session later (unfortunately Tom can't make it today).
Tim's had lots of thoughts
From last time:
We need guidelines about what/how to post:
Stuart did a post for the new release but it wasn't clear to him what should be there. Best practice would be very helpful!
This will take a little bit longer than anticipated!
So far, one article, thinks everyone else is preparing theirs.
Need update from each Theme about what happened over the last year. Have received something from Comms group about conference.
Tim was going to talk about tidyverse
hex stickers
Each of the Themes - anything they'd like advertised
Could also talk about revamps of the wiki and website
Deadline 21st February (ready for dissemination by the end of February).
Andrei updated - little progress since the last discussion but the plan is to contact lawyers in Nl to ask if they're able to help and how much it all would cost.
Opencollective is another possibility - but this would just be financial management and not provide any legal entity; it's more relevant to single free software projects rather than a community comprising multiple different softwares and other dimensions.
No updates.
Suggestions for panel members