We decided for the time being that there would be a rolling chair (i.e. that it would be a shared role). Andrei will chair this meeting.
We decided for the time being that there would be a rolling secretary (primarily responsible for note-taking during the Steering Committee meetings). Jan volunteered to take notes for this first meeting, supported by Andrei.
DataShield Wiki was considered a good place to record meeting notes as it has flexible access control. Thus can keep private until minutes are reviewed at a subsequent meeting, at which point they will be made publicly accessible for transparency.
Some information, in particular things such as lists of consortia who are using the DataSHIELD method will be moved to the wiki to make the webpage more attractive. The precise selection of pages was left open, but it was agreed that the importance of the tool (e.g. number of consortia using it, …) has to become directly apparent and be readily updatable by all.
Angela briefly presented the current state of the conference planning.
Invitation of keynote speakers has started. Suggestions were:
Additional candidates might be:
But contact will be only established after confirmation of conference organisers.
Suggestions to connect to research communities developing other tools, or infrastructures using DataShield. Links across consortia would be good. It was suggested to have a dedicated session for the contribution of established consortia. It was also discussed that a personal invite of members of consortia might be useful, in particular if there are already personal connections. Yet, it should be made clear that financing cannot be provided, A starting point for a list of consortia is available on the DataShield webpage.
The funds left over from the previous conference are minimal, yet, there is the possibility for additional funding. Some of the local institutes or companies could provide sponsorship for example. Morris Swertz organized some additional financing and has some companies in mind to move things forward, and also the Institute for Data Science and Health. The offer stands to funders; maybe also Decentriq (contact, Jan).
Introductory workshop of federated learning: This could be before the official start of the conference to provide an introduction to persons unfamiliar with the topics, e.g. going PhD students)
Session with invited speakers and talks selected from abstracts
Session on Machine learning in DataShield (some names were discussed, e.g., Andrei Dekker, Harald Binder).
Session of different consortia, showcases, and networking possibilities
Hackathon: It was discussed that this might also be in parallel to some other sessions, e.g. the one on the consortia. The hackathon should provide the time and space for developers to meet up, but also fro users to get assistance with problems.
Discussed the possibility of accepting posters.
Steering committee offered to act as reviewers for submitted content.
Before the conference, we will increase frequency of meetings.
Next meetings:
All will be at 10.30-12.30 CEST.