These were agreed and the page was made public.
Started to do a weekly drop-in session on wednesday morning
Not publicised that much - will do things on the wiki if no-one turns up. Has been announced on the forum. Expecting that half of the time will be sign-posting people to other people to contact.
The idea is to recreate the weekly drop-in sessions that we used to have (on Tuesday mornings).
Wednesday 09:00 UK time.
Monthly meetings with a presentation and discussion.
Lots of development
Few presentations in the conference.
Identified some bottlenecks, e.g. serial server calls could be parallel. Things like this would improve speed.
Main work has been on the conference.
Becca has been updating as/when relevant.
Not much has happened, but structure is sorted.
Is being used by some Themes more than others. Structure is organised.
Andrei hasn't done much
Tom has started doing some work relating to auditing/incorporating new packages etc.
Would it be better to have someone with more connection with the ethical/legal side of things. Or should it be a statistical person?
Data+ project at Copenhagen - there's a post-doc who could perhaps take on some of this? The objective is to figure out "how you can gain assurance that community developed packages fit in with the non-disclosive of DS."
Manuel asked about the use of homomorphic
See below (conference/workshop)
No news and communications (wiki/forum) sections are currently blank. Stuart will contact them as he thinks there is some progress being made.
Yannick has created a new module for data entry in Obiba called Amber that is going to be used shortly in a French/pan-European project.
About 55 people registered. Agenda and logistics are pretty organised. Eleanor has been doing a fantastic job.
S/C updates
Juan will help Andrei, Angela and Tim with the workshop
Tom and Stuart volunteered to test materials in advance.
Could potentially have parallel workshops:
Juan can do a couple of exercises relating to omics
ISGlobal can provide a demo server that will be available for the course; it is a big machine with 256GB ram so no problems
There is also a sample dataset; this can be split in 3 so that it mimics a multi-node DS setup.
There is also metadata that goes with this.
Will send material by the 21st, we will then have a meeting on the 26th at 11:00 CEST.
EUCAN-Connect is ending.
Lots of projects going on in Germany.
Becca was talking about some potential funding, but not much info available at present.
10:30-12:30 CET (09:30-11:30 UK time) on Tuesday 14th November