- Becca Wilson
- Andrei Morgan
- Stuart Wheater
- Tom Bishop
- Angela Pinot de Moira
- Morris Swertz
- Juan Ramon Gonzalez
- Jan Hasenauer
- Manuel Huth
2024-06-13 - these were agreed and the page was made public.
- Draft programme has been circulated for edits
- Decide registration deadline at next conference meeting
- Andrei to chase up Xavier & Juan re: advanced workshop
- Good to store advanced workshop notes etc on a wiki somewhere and have links to it
- Andrei to send email out requesting slides for the community session in the conference
- Specification of v6.4.0 - list of new functionalities and updates
- Posted on Forum plus added to Wiki - hopefully people will add requests to be added to releases
- Working on piece of infrastructure that allows administrator to request studies in a project to do an update automatically - could be refined in future to add user, enable monitoring etc
- Development of statistical cluster package
- Send summary of packages, even if not ready for production yet, to Stuart to add to list of packages
- Decide where 2 Stage Cox Regression to be included i.e. v6.4, ds.survival
- Direct themes to have more specific indvidual packages rather than in one space
- Stuart to ask Soumya for permission to clone his repo into DS, add some new stuff in - will be used more
- Armadillo - addressing challenges around large workspaces saving and loading - could solve this by bigger hardware - want to harmonise Armadillo & Opal
- Andrei to speak to Gonzalo - share metrics on individual analysis environments
- No Opal updates for a while - Stuart to email Yannick - settings to have server suitable for large amounts of data - once received, will put on wiki
- Good to start searching for new projects
- Possibe merger of comms theme with education theme for co-ordination and advertising educational aspects only - to be discussed further
- Andrei to discuss at next governance meeting how to approve things formally as a community
- Need new theme lead as Juan is stepping down
- Website will be switched off - 1st October 2024 - new website then hosted by Wordpress - Becca still working on all aspects
- Need to archive Github repositories and docker hub, images not used - archive is still in the list
- Need tech person from group to attend the meeting to explain tech side
- Public Advisers payments for this year - possibly from last year's conference surplus - Becca to check
- Look at how to give approval to Advisory Board membership - steering committee or community - address this in community session at this year's conference
- Simon Parker will give update on Advisory Board in this year's conference community session
- Ask at this year's conference for recommendations for board members
- Andrei to follow up with Simon - images for website
- See actions from last meeting 13th June for people absent from this meeting
- Andrei to chase up Xavier/Juan re: advanced workshop
- Stuart to email Yannick - Opal Uodates/settings for server
- Stuart to email Soumya for permission to clone repo stuff in DS
- Andrei to speak to Gonzalo re; shard metrics
- Andrei - next governance meeting - how to approve things formally
- Andrei contact Simon Parker re; Advisory Board members
- Andrei to send out email requesting slides for community session in the conference
- DataSHIELD drop in FAQ session for new consortia - Wednesday 7th August 2024 9am (uk time)
- Elixir update: Becca will apply for DS to have Elixir service status
Wednesday 4th September 2024 1pm-3pm (uk time)