- Becca Wilson
- Morris Swertz
- Stuart Wheater
- Angela Pinot de Moira
- Manuel Huth
- Jan Hasenauer
- Andrei Morgan
- Paula Irving
- Christina Fricke
- Simon Parker
- Tom Bishop
- Juan Ramon Gonzalez
2023-11-14 - These were agreed and the page was made public.
- no interactions as yet with anyone - any ideas of engaging with community let Stuart know
- trying to ascertain what people want re disclosure description
- Becca to give Stuart access to Miro Board from last year's conference, which contains feedback and suggestions
- need more co-ordination across tech group - need a defined roadmap that is communicatable
- Morris to put a co-ordinated statement on wiki so people know what is going on i.e. what is on DS server - need a publishable summary to push forward
- Full Stack Meetings to be cancelled
- no new news - meetings still happening - trying to restructure to be more appealing
- drop-in sessions more general - signposting people
- ROCHE invited to next stats meeting re: DataSHEILD privacy, Manuel to post in Forum and send emails
- next comms meeting - ask who will join new sub-group set up for the conference this year
- follow up with Mark Ibberson to check he wants to host next year - invite to conference sub-group
- discussed possible prizes in conference - could use surplus funds - decide in sub working group and Steering Committee can vote and decide
- Figures for last year's conference still to be finalised - invoices still to pay - surplus amount of money will be known when all invoices paid
- Morris,Eleanor and Jan to discuss transfer of surplus money for this year's conference
- Training for wiki is taking place on Thursday 25th January 9.30-11.30 - invites have been sent out
- Andrei to write some emails to get theme going
- EDI statement needs finalising - may be good idea to have session in conference for this
- governance package and quality assurance - governance team to facilitate discussion with developers - Andrei happy to help Stuart on this
- need to improve uploading of data etc
- useful to know if high level approach is good - decentralised and robust so should be more quicker
- expectations of what will happen - happy to hear people's opinions
- need to relaunch - need a good geographic spread - mostly UK/US/Europe need wider involvement - more international names if possible
- suggestions of names of people to be sent to Simon Parker, he will make contact
- need good coverage in academic disciplines, lacking in public/patient engagement reps
- need people not in DataSHILED to advise Steering Committee to marry up what is happening inside and outside of DataSHIELD
- good to have people involved in large scale infrastructure projects, which DataSHIELD could infiltrate
- try to have 6 people regularly in the meetings, so aim for 10-12 members
- looking at 1st kick off meeting in March 24
- Board will meet 3-4 times per year, 2 hours per meeting
- possibility of funding to pay for public advisor - cover travel etc
- Simon has drafted a public post - needs to be posted on Forum to see who applies
- date and location of conference has been fixed - 24th-26th September - Bonn, Germany
- set up a sub working group just for the conference - invite Mark Ibberson as willing to host 2025 conference to be part of group
- flyers need to be sent out to advertise conference by end of February
- suggestions of names of invited speakers to be sent to Christina - need a good mix of speakers
- invite Paul to give a short talk
- Christina to send out invites for the working sub-group meetings
- possibly use to update wiki
- All at meeting agreed for Andrei and Becca to Co-Chair the Steering Committee
- Need to formalise our processes and put structure in places i.e. how we audit direct disclosure from outputs etc in clinical environments
- need to protect the trust we build up
- what is agreed in the community - could this be put on the wiki?
- consider what DataSHIELD defaults are i.e. different privacy set ups, set thresholds on collection of functions - active decision of users to switch off will address liability issues etc
- Becca to discuss at next stats meeting
- All to send name suggestions for Advisory Board members to Simon
- Becca to give Stuart link to Miro Board
- Becca to discuss formalising processes at next stats meeting
- Morris to put co-ordinated statement on wiki
- Manuel to post in Forum re: sub working group for conference
- Manuel to post in Forum stats meeting (ROCHE) and send out emails
- Angela to follow up with Mark re: hosting 2025 conference
- Morris/Eleanor and Jan to meet up re: conference funds
- Christina send out zoom invites for sub-group meetings
- Paula to send out zoom invites for next meeting (9th April)
10:30-12:30 CET (09:30-11:30 UK time) on Tuesday 9th April 2024