- Angela Pinot de Moira
- Stuart Wheater
- Manuel Huth
- Simon Parker
- Christina Fricke
- Morris Swertz
- Paula Irving
- Andrei Morgan
- Juan Ramon Gonzalez
- Becca Wilson
- Jan Hasenauer
- Tom Bishop
2024-04-09 - these were agreed and the page was made public.
- 10 abstracts submitted thus far
- poster submission date to be extended
- continue to reach out to people for registrations and submissions
- addressed vulnerabilities in system
- new profiles released
- discussions needed on coding guidelines to implement packages - will set up a working group at this year's conference
- some website editing issues
- profiles not yet updated
- set up joint themes/process meeting
- possibly set up a mailing list
- new version of Armadillo & Opal using same version Rock profile
- profiles are being upgraded
- kickoff meeting took place in May - attendees to see if terms of reference still fit for purpose, ideas were discussed for the future i.e. provide guidance on how project could be developed
- need a tech person from group to attend the next AB meeting (possibly end July) to explain tech side and plans going forward
- need a final decision from group re: compensating people for their time
- need more geographical spread of members - anyone have links to people please let Simon know
Actions completed from Last meeting:
- Stuart has requested DataSHIELD be registered on Docker Hub as one of their community open-sources, this would enable unlimited access to their tools - awaiting a response
- Yannick has done this for OBIBA
- Stuart has transferred some profiles to the wiki
Actions carried over from last meeting:
- Eleanor to ascertain who to ask to share redacted versions of collab agreements
- Juan to ascertain if he can share publicly a copy of collab agreement when using DataSHIELD or Omics-shield - if so - then Juan to share
- Examples of collab agreements to be put onto wiki
- Becca to look at what can be archived on GitHub
- Andrei to send Becca invite to governance meetings
- Becca to update shared calendar to show what time is in UK time
- Someone in governance theme with access to shared calendar to add in their meeting dates/times
- Stuart to suggest at next stats meeting to embed google sheet in wiki
- All themes to think about how they want to use comms for their theme
- Becca to remove duplicated content from website
- Juan to provide link for courses/workshops planned
- Juan to speak to Manuel re: courses for the next DS conference
- Juan to post on forum for helpers for courses - then arrange meeting with helpers
- Juan add relevant details on the funding page of grants etc
- Becca to email contact at HELTI for possible speakers at conference - then contact
- Jan to look at German platform for possible speakers - then contact
- Eleanor/Christina - surplus funds last conference to transfer to next conference
Actions from this meeting:
- All to keep promoting the DataSHIELD Conference
- Morris/Stuart to explore alliances with ELIXIR
- Final decision to be made re: Advisory Board - compensating people for their time
- Morris and Stuart to explore having strategic alliances with ELIXIR (and other larger groups) and report back to the group with findings
Wednesday 17th July 2024 13:00 – 14:00 (BST)